pran kriya is such a wonderful breathing technique that focuses on physical,
mental, emotional and social integrity of ones personality. Memory bears a
close relation with this yogic pran kriya. Today in this highly competitive
world, where we are constantly living under one or other stress. We badly
require to distress our stress, to release all the tensions, conflicts. And
this is the best and powerful method according to Mr. Virender Mehta, to bring
our inner world and outer expression of life together in one whole.
has stressed almost every individual living on this planet. As nature has its
own patterns of existence, it constitutes a vicious circle of timings, seasons,
in the same manner; our body has vicious biological patterns. If there is
harmony among these intricate patterns, then we will be happy from inside. But
if stress creates imbalance in these designs, then we become unhappy and
discontentment takes us in its clutches.
what does Yogic pran kriya stands for? It is a purifying practice of breathing
that energizes each of our cell, ensures free flow of oxygen to every part of
our body. We become charged with love, enthusiasm for life and begin to feel a
fresh vibration in our life. Our every moment gets filled with a sense of joy
and happiness. thus, we start perceiving our relation in a positive manner.
Yogic pran kriya is a rhythmic breathing pattern
unique, continuously flowing breathing process creates a sync hronization between the body,
emotions and thus, our physical and mental fraternity starts dancing in joy
with Nature itself. we become one with Nature. Our mental and behavioral
patterns undergo a significant change and this we do by changing our breathing
pattern. we get an outlet to remove our negative emotions such as anger, hatred,
jealousy, tension etc. today, the medical fraternity are greatly surprised by
the benefits of Yogic pran kriya. They have concluded that regular practice of Yogic pran kriya invokes positive
emotions,replacing negatve ones and curing ailments and cholesterol etc.all
your negative psychic karmas get burnt with this process.
yogic breathing program finds its roots in the preaching of our ancient sages
and virender Mehta has transformed there preachings into modern day techniques.
He believes that breathing in a particular fashion can induce a corresponding
emotion. So, we can produce a desired emotion by using specific breathing
technique. Here, we learn how to use the breath to change the way we feel and
eliminating all the negative emotions and qualities and thus, attaining the
stage of supreme bliss.
it is a fact known by all that emotional well being is directly proportional to
more productive and successful life. Success comes running towards you to
embrace you.people from all walks of life get benefitted from this process. It
cleanses your body and circulates a new life in you.
practice of Yogic pran kriya gives miraculous results. It not only transforms
you at physical level or outer level but your mental level also gets relaxed
and when your stress is reduced then your creativity gets enhanced. You enjoy
better sleep and your brain starts functioning in a better way.
explained before, your personal and work relationship become cordial and it
increases your awareness, patience and cultivates confidence and self esteem.
And the utmost thing is your spiritual growth for which we have come on this
earth. You can enhance your meditation practices and experience a deep inner
peace of mind.