● Appraisal
from Managing Editor of Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary
● Letter
of Appraisal from AICTE Chairman AICTE Council Headquarters
● Letter
of Appraisal from Founder President of Amity University, Noida
● Appreciation
from Vice chancellor of Health University, Rohtak
● Letter
of Appraisal from Commissioner of Income Tax Dept. Kerala
● Letter
of Appraisal from former Vice Chancellor Dr K.L Johar GJU, Hisar
● Appraisal
from President KIIT University Orissa
● Appraisal
from Dr Swami ji, Akshardhaam Mandir, Delhi
● Appraisal
from MP, Rohtak
● Appraisal from President of SBMN institutions
● Appraisal from Chairman of NCCE Group
● Appraisal from Member of Board of Governors of PIET
● Appraisal from Director of GGIT institutions Jabalpur (MP)
in the Inspire camp sponsored by Department of Science & Technology
(Government of India)
● Appraisal from reputed NGO Ray Foundation
● Appraisal from Narayan Group of institutions Etawah UP
● And many others............

I am one of the editors who worked on the 6th edition of the Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary so I am very well acquainted with the contents, but certainly can't imagine trying to memorize it all!
As a man who is obviously very interested in words, we thought you might like a copy of our newest dictionary, called the Oxford Learner's Thesaurus (don't worry, you don't have to memorize it unless you would like to!)
Once again, congratulations on your astonishing feat.
Best wishes
Joanna Turnbull
Managing Editor
ELT Dictionaries
Oxford University Press
Intellectual Comments on Virender Mehta
● This
book is summation of the ancient practices and juxtaposes scientific
interpretations, useful for students and Professionals. Dr. B.B. Bhattacharya
(VC, JNU, New Delhi)
● An
excellently written book by the author who himself is a Memory Wizard.
Dr. Babu Joseph (IRS- Addl. Commissioner of
Income Tax, Kerala)
● This
book gives a big impetus to young and old to retain factual knowledge required
in their daily lives and profession.
Dr. R.K Keswani (Former Director PGIMS, Rohtak)
● This
memory book is a real breakthrough in the field of memory techniques; it's
really a miracle on mind power.
Prof.(Dr.) S.S Sangwan (VC Health
● I
have a belief that this mind book is what today's children are learning then it
is a technique tomorrow's education leaders will be using... I think this book
takes us one step closer to realizing the power of mind.
Prof.(Dr.) K.K Sinha (Emeritus Professor)
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